2016 Project Principal Investigators
Project Titles
- Methods for Mobilizing and Trapping of PD on CeO2 Structure,
- Fuel Cell Catalysts in Biofuel Cells,
- Separating the effects of surface structure and atomic scale mobility of Ceria for Platinum trapping, and
- Comparison of the values in filling fraction f and transport mean free path in colloidal silicone dioxide film assembly methods.
2016 Student Research Projects
Please click on image to view full size quadchart.

Student: Stoney Denetclaw
Mentor(s): N/A
Advisor: Abhaya Datye

Student: Joshua Robinowitz
Mentor(s): N/A
Advisor: Abhaya Datye

Student: Kenneth Lemire
Mentor(s): N/A
Advisor: Plamen Atanassov